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The Stunning of Mt Sibayak

PariwisataSUMUT.net - Mt. Sibayak is one of six climbing location in North Sumatra near Medan. At 2.212 meters above sea level, Sibayak which is part of Triple S namely Sinabung, Sibayak and Sibuaten recomended for novice climber. Located in Karo Regency, about 78 km from Medan. 

Route to Mt Sibayak thru Medan - Bandar Baru - Berastagi, stop in Cabbage Monument then use public transportation to first post under the foot of Sibayak Mountain. Accessibility to Sibayak Mount is quite good but only for two wheeled vehicle. For accommodation you can stay in Berastagi because no hotels around Sibayak Mt.

Sibayak Mt was erupted in a century ago, hot springs and geothermal activity still can be seen. The perfection of Sibayak Mt awaited when sunrise and sunset. View of Sinabung Mt obviously seen from the top Sibayak Mt. either from west or east. Forest view in Sibayak Mt resemble green carpet. Ecosystems in this area is still natural. (By: Antonius Naibaho )